Application study of the evaluation index system of Hunan Medical Science and Technology Award
中文关键词: 成果  信度检验  验证性因子分析  方差分析  Spearman秩相关分析
英文关键词: Achievement  Internal consistency reliability  Confirmative factor analysis  Analysis of Variance  Spearman’s rank correlation coefficient
郭洁 湖南省医学会 
摘要点击次数: 637
      目的 通过实证数据对本研究前期建立的“湖南医学科技奖评审指标体系”的实用性和有效性进行检验。方法 以2018年湖南医学科技奖的48个获奖项目作为研究样本,模拟科技奖实际评审流程,邀请同行专家使用本指标体系对研究样本进行评分,以此收集实测数据。使用AMOS和SPSS软件进行数据分析,对指标体系的信度、效度和相关性进行检验。结果 信度检验Cronbach的信度系数为0.820,信度较好;验证性因子分析样本数据与理论模型契合,效度较好;方差分析结果3个理论获奖组的差异具有统计学意义(P<0.05);Spearman秩相关分析相关系数为0.335 (P<0.05),表明用该指标体系测量的理论获奖结果与实际评审结果之间正相关。结论 本指标体系可以稳定、真实和可靠地评价医学科技项目的质量和水平,用该指标测量的项目评分越高,项目的质量越高,实际可获得奖励的等次越高,能作为湖南医学科技奖评审的客观参考依据。
      Objective To test the practicality and effectiveness of Evaluation system of Hunan Medical Science and Technology Awards by empirical data. Methods The empirical data of this paper is based on the 48 award winning projects of the 2018 Hunan Medical Science and Technology Award. The actual evaluation process was simulated and peer experts were invited to grade the researching samples by index system to collect measured data. Use AMOS and SPSS as tools to test the reliability, validity and the correlation of the Evaluation system. Results The internal consistency reliability of Cronbach α is 0.820,which shows this evaluation system with good reliability; sample data of confirmatory factor analysis matches the theoretical model,which shows this evaluation system with good validity; The results of analysis of variance showed that the differences among the three winning groups were statistically significant(P<0.05); The correlation coefficient of spearman rank correlation analysis is 0.335(P<0.05), which shows the positive correlation between the theoretical results and the actual evaluation results. Conclusions The evaluation system of Hunan Medical Science and Technology Awards performs well and possesses strong applicability and practicality. The higher the score of the project measured by this indicator, the higher the quality of the project, and the higher the order of rewards that can actually be obtained. It could be used as an objective reference for the evaluation of Hunan Medical Science and Technology Award.
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